Friday, February 4, 2011

NO SCHOOL.....again....

My son has been out of school for 4 days now, which is crazy because this township rarely closes school we don't even get 2 hour delays. A couple of weeks ago when we got real heavy snow and I thought school should have either been delayed or canceled, he still had to go. But this ice storm really did some damage. I decided I would try to walk around my neighborhood to get some pictures of the damage this ice storm has done. But I couldnt even make it off my front porch. The ground is so slick its like one big ice skating ring. I through down a bunch of salt in hopes in would melt. I did SLOWLY make it down the drive way to my mailbox to discover it was frozen shut. :-)

Oh the joys of living in Indiana....

Dear Spring, Please hurry up! Thanks!

Btw: if you are interested in reading more about the storm I am going to include some links below.,0,4751823.story,0,2191597.ugcphotogallery

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ice storm 2011

We had a pretty bad and crazy ice storm here. There are more pictures to come.

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